In our group we study matter at the smallest possible scale: the scale of individual atoms. We use scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to assemble atoms one-by-one into arrangements of our choice, and investigate their collective quantum behavior. This Nature Review gives an excellent overview of our exciting research field.
Our research focuses in particular on magnetic atoms, whose quantum spins combine to display fascinating unexpected physics. Using novel techniques such as electron spin resonance (ESR) STM and ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy, we aim to observe and control the coherent dynamics of spin arrays. Such spin waves are at the heart of many fundamental phenomena and form the basis for strategies towards quantum information technology.
Above: STM images, each approx. 5 nm wide, showing the construction of a chain of Fe atoms
We are looking for enthusiastic new Postdocs, PhD students and MSc students to join the team! See our Openings page for more information.
We are part of the Department of Quantum Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology. We are grateful for funding from the Kavli Foundation, the European Research Council (Starting Grant) and the Dutch Research Council (Vici Talent Scheme and QuMat Zwaartekracht Progam).
15 October 2024
New paper in Physical Review Letters by Robbie Elbertse et al., featured in APS Physics, demonstrating a tremendous enhancement of the magnetic lifetime of a spin chain when tuned in the vicinity of a diabolic point.
28 September 2024
In a collaboration with the Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Rik Broekhoven published a paper in npj Quantum Information, describing a method for generating and certifying entanglement between magnetic atoms on a surface.
11 September 2024
In Nature Communications, Lukas Veldman and coworkers demonstrate the possibility to interact coherently with the nucleus of a single atom. See our press release for more details.
27 May 2024
Today Lukas Veldman defended his PhD thesis Coherent dynamics of atomic spins on a surface, for which he was awarded the prestigious cum laude degree. Congratulations dr. Veldman!